Think of a furnace as the home’s heart, pumping heat through vents and out of registers. When a furnace begins to experience issues, then a home will become unbearable, and in some parts, unliveable. As a homeowner, you need your furnace to work efficiently and effectively throughout the year. But the question is – how can you know the furnace has started to experience operational issues? Here are signs that you need to watch out for so you can repair your equipment:
1. Abnormal Furnace Odors
Although furnaces have a pungent smell after installing them for the first time, with time, they lose that odor. However, if you start noticing a lingering smell, then it is high time you repair your equipment. Strong odors that come from the exhaust might be an indication that there is poor combustion. While you won’t be able to smell carbon monoxide, you may smell Aldehydes – basically, a by-product of poor combustion.
2. Inadequate Heat
If your equipment doesn’t produce heat regardless of the thermostat settings, consider scheduling furnace repairs Calgary. Among the common causes of insufficient heat include faulty thermostats, which don’t communicate correctly with furnace units, and leaking ductworks that allow the escape of treated air.
3. Change in Airflow
Your equipment can run constantly. However, without proper flow of air throughout the ductwork and furnace, it won’t efficiently or evenly heat your home. With time, you will start noticing a change in airflow. Probably, one vent has a weaker flow of air than before. Or maybe one room in your home is more humid, hotter, or colder than it used to, based on the time of the year.
4. Increased Monthly Energy Bills
A sudden increase in the energy bills, without any corresponding change in your behavior or usage may point to a faulty furnace. Some of the reasons related to faulty furnaces include the following:
- Thermostat issues
- Inefficient furnace
- Clogged filter
5. Water Leaking
In a high-efficiency furnace, one of the byproducts of heat production is water. Inside a furnace is a complex drain system, which is made to collect the condensation as well as direct it to the drain that often exits the house. The leak appearance, signaled by water that has accumulated around the heating unit’s base, represents a serious issue. If it isn’t checked, it might damage the structures of a home, resulting in things, such as circuit board failures.
6. Age
Nothing ever lasts forever – and that applies to furnaces, too. Unfortunately, as our furnaces age, they start to fail. But the good news is that you may see signs of a furnace going faulty and get prepared to avoid that. To check the age of the system, look at the details on the label that has been attached to the equipment directly. If you have questions, search online or ask professionals. Most manufacturers also post manuals online.
The bottom line is that your equipment will start failing over time. Understanding more details about the equipment as well as the potential issues will make it much easier to seek help from an expert before it becomes too late.